Thursday, April 15, 2010

the gift

Dutta sir gave me a parker pen as a gift. it will always remind me that i have to do something. something that is very important and essential too.
today is bengali new year and it as my birthday yesterday. so i got this precious gift i shall cherish for a lifetime. 
a quote by Anthony Robbins comes to my mind:

“If you can't, you must. If you must, you can.”

mission microbial culture

stage 1
these are slide photographs of  saprolegnia fungus that i cultured using streak plate method on PDA(potato dextrose agar) medium in the lab and under the supervision of my teacher Dr. Abhijit Dutta. these fungi were collected from some fish in Sen sir's lab and cultured to get the following results. it was fun doing the culture and also a great learning experience. we will culture fungi from soil in the next stage. when we completed the culture and saw the slides under the microscope, and all went fine, Dutta sir said, "mission successful." 





100X (from my mobile)

microtomy slides of mammalian lungs

a blood vessel got saved elongated

isn't this nice?

another favorite

these are 3 of the best photographs of microtomy slides of the lungs of a mammal (guinea pig) through a 10x microscope taken with my mobile phone- Nokia N72. these slides were prepared by me in my college lab as a part of the syllabus. it was fun doing this, but i really feel sorry for the guinea pig that lost its life for the sake of science. sorry piggy! we really miss you. 

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

its my birthday

its my birthday!